Alphonse Island
- 292 miles southwest of Mahe lies the St François Lagoon and adjacent Alphonse Island, part of the Amirantes group of Islands.
- Season - 1 October to 31 May.
- Alphonse is the one of the famed saltwater destinations of the Indian Ocean.
- Perhaps home to the most prolific Bone fishery in the world.
- There are three species of Trigger fish, five species of Trevally and a plethora of other flats and offshore species.
- Bonefish ranging in size from 3 – 8 lbs.
- The fishery caters for just 12 anglers.
- Two per anglers pr skiff and guests are guided by some of the most experienced saltwater guides.
- Alphonse is amongst some of the most comfortable of any fishing camp in the world.
292 miles southwest of Mahe lies the St François Lagoon and adjacent Alphonse Island, part of the Amirantes group of Islands. Alphonse is the one of the famed saltwater destinations of the Indian Ocean and perhaps home to the most prolific Bone fishery in the world. In addition to the abundant bonefish (ranging in size from 3 – 8 lbs) there are three species of Trigger fish, five species of Trevally and a plethora of other flats and offshore species. Perhaps the most challenging fish to catch is the fabled Milkfish; a turbo charged algae eater growing to 40lbs. The guides on Alphonse Island have pioneered techniques which have allowed these vegetarian and notoriously difficult fish to be caught. This diversity gives the angler the opportunity to target a myriad of different species during the course of one trip.
The fishery caters for just 12 anglers, two per skiff and guests are guided by some of the most experienced saltwater guides. Anglers are transferred for the short run from Alphonse to St François lagoon by the 40’ mothership to where the skiffs are kept anchored. The fishing is very much tide dependent so the prevailing conditions will dictate which species you will focus on. You are then able to access the vast expanse of flats, lagoons, channels and reefs which spoil anglers in the choice of environment and species for which they would like to hunt.
Combined with the fabulous fishing, the accommodation at Alphonse is amongst some of the most comfortable of any fishing camp in the world. Guests stay in one of 15 privately spaced air conditioned bungalows or 4 one bedroom villas, offering every kind of comfort. Not only is it attractive for fishermen but also their partners who would like a week of relaxation. The bar area provides the ideal venue to relax in the evening breeze after a hard day on the flats and also houses the superb new restaurant serving fresh sea food of the highest quality. A standard package would include return flights from Mahe to Alphonse by charter plane; a short 45 minute journey. The seasons runs from early October to late May.
Season - 1 October to 31 May - There is however the option to book at other times with a minimum group of 6 pax. The trips will be based on a Sat/Sat week long trips, with the possibility to increase the package to a 10 day trip (Wed/Sat or Sat/Wed) should there be a minimum of 6 clients wanting to do so. There is also the option for private charters which will allow guests to come and go as they please.
Fly Fishing - As per this season there will be a max of 12 fly anglers on St François at any time. Alphonse and St François will continue with its strict no conventional fishing on the flats and reefs.
Bluewater - There will be 2 bluewater boats available for chartering. One will primarily be used for fly fishing and the other for conventional angling. There will be NO conventional angling next to the reef as the aim of the conventional boat will be purely for targeting pelagic species. We do require a considerable amount of fresh fish for the hotel guests and targeting pelagic species will have very little effect on our resident species.